Writing Update for June 2024.

This will be a short update, as there have been only two projects I’ve been working on for the last few weeks: Eva and Skye and my science fiction novel Cashe.

I received the manuscript for Eva and Skye a few weeks ago and have been working on the edits and corrections. There weren’t that many this time. Maybe I’m finally getting the hang of this whole writing gig. My editor (she’s awesome, check her out HERE) was happily surprised by the revisions I did. To quote her, “I especially enjoyed the logical progression and development of Sky’s relationship with Dev, and that the relationship between the magical world and our world was better defined.”

Who is Dev, you ask? You’ll find out.

With the edits on Eva and Skye started, it made me realize that I have no completed manuscript for next year. My plan is to put out a book a year, but I took my high fantasy off the queue line, and everything else is not even close to complete. I know 2025 is still six months away, but I don’t have any first draft completed. I decided to go by which MS had the highest wordcount, which would be book 2 of my zombie series, but half of that still needs to be cut to remove the old story, and the second book of my paranormal ghost story really doesn’t have to come out for a few years, so the only one left was Cashe.

This story is coming along nicely so I’m focusing all my energy into getting the first draft done by the beginning of November. That should be doable. I want to write a sequel for it, as the overall story is somewhat complicated, and I think focusing on it for the next couple months should help me figure out what comes next.

At any rate, that’s the plan. I’ll go back to my writing queue once the first draft of this is done. 

If you’re curious to find out in more detail about the stories I’ve mention in this post, consider signing up for my newsletter HERE! Or, if you like, for $1 you can subscribe to my Patreon and read character spotlights, background information not in the novel, snippets, and stories not available to the general public, PLUS, members get a code for new releases! If all this sounds interesting, you can sign up HERE.

Until next time!   

About Darke Conteur
Darke Conteur is a writer at the mercy of her Muse. The author of stories in several genres, she prefers to create within the realms of Science Fiction and Dark Fantasy. A pagan at heart, her personal goal is to find her balance within nature; exploring the dark through her stories and the light through her beliefs. When not writing, she spends her time collecting crystals, knitting, gardening, cooking and listening to very loud music.

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