The Knitting Project: Wrist Warmers

knittingMy socks project a bust, and the pattern I had for wrist warmer was another bust, but I’m not giving up! I will have wrist warmers with this yarn!


new yarn

I tried creating my own pattern that had a cable, but after a few testers I scrubbed that idea. The first tester I did, everything was fine until I got to the thumb hole. I casted off twelve stiches and then the whole thing was too small for the fingers.

Meh…I suck at designing my own, so I went online and found a simply pattern. So far, so good.



Maybe when I figure this whole thing out, I can design a pattern of my own. Until then, there are plenty of patterns out there already. The problem is finding one that I like.

The Knitting Project: Free Holiday Knits

With my socks project a bust, I was leery about starting another one so soon, but then I came across this yarn in Walmart.

new yarn

So, I’m going to knit up a pair of wrist warmers, with a cable pattern (just to bump up my knitting experience), and maybe another hat to go with it. I love the smell of a new project!

Anyway…since I’m all excited, I thought I’d pass on my excitement with a few patterns. As Christmas is right around the corner and most people have their shopping done, what do you get someone who has everything? If you’re a knitter, why not make them something? It’s personal and (I think) will mean more to them because you took the time to make them something.

Here are a few ideas.



lace-and-mohair-inifinity-scarf_Medium_ID-654389Infinity Scarf – They’re all the rage now. Fashionable and warm, what’s not to love?




leg-warmers1Leg Warmers – The perfect project for a beginner!



montera-new_Medium_ID-509833Montera Slouchy Hat – Need more of a challenge? Try this knitted hat!




downton-abbey-hat_Medium_ID-568752Downton Hat – Are you a fan of the show? Why not make something to go with it?



I got these patterns from All Free Knitting.

Knitting Project: Wrist Warmers.

I worked on this like crazy before the holidays, but a few days around Christmas I put it down and forgot about it until the other day. I have one knitted up, I just needed to sew the seam, and I’m hoping to start on the mate this weekend.











I just LOVE the colour and as you can see it’s more than just a wrist warmer, it’s a whole arm warmer. Not that I mind; arms get cold too. This pattern is perfect for those cooler nights when you want to wear a short sleeve. Very, very simple pattern to follow. I might make another pair but include a cable on the top. Now I think that would look nice.

If you’re interested in making your own pair, here’s the link.