Writing Update: October 2023.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Can you believe it’s the end of October all ready? I can’t, especially as we had summer weather up till the middle of the month.

Work picked up significantly, but I did get new words down, so here we go.

Resurrection Run (Book 2 of The Quiet Dead series)

I spent most of my time with this gutting the original manuscript, and I do mean gutting. Whole chapters are gone and some are just in pieces that are relevant to the new story. I’m eight chapters in with six left, and I know there will be a lot more cut before the first draft is complete. I know some writers hate the idea of cutting so much, but I have no problem. I also had no problem killing off a character. Originally it was meant for Arlo, one of the main characters, but I found a more expendable one to take out. There are too many people on this journey and I need to narrow down the POVs. I’ve already removed one from the original group, but I’m not sure if I should kill off a couple more or have them drift away.

Ghost Story – The Haunting of Mercy Moreau.

Now that Down Finnegan’s Hollow is published, I’m focusing on a new stand-alone book, The Haunting of Mercy Moreau. Right now this story is all over the place, and it’s a completely new story from what I originally had (some of you may remember me complaining about that one) so the focus now is to get through the first draft without too much editing. There’s so much I want to put in this, but I’m afraid that I’ll veer off course even with an outline.

Eva and Skye’s Magical Hair Solution

I added in two more scenes with Skye this month, and her homelife is looking more and more bleak. It doesn’t seem fair that I’ve made the girls homelife so radically different, but it plays into the overall plot. I need Eva so wanting to be a part of non-magical world that she will do anything, and I need Skye’s homelife to drive her to do unexpected things. I’ve used several incidents that actually happened to me, or around me when I was in high school. Having such a strong connection to the material allows me to really get into it for the book. 

Heir to the Alchemist

The change in my work schedule came during the week I had this story in my queue, and while I didn’t get as many words done as usual for the entire week, I did manage to do the 1k goal I set for myself. I introduced a new character that will connect Drucilla (my main character) to the past she wants to forget, while at the same time, elevate her to a place I need her to be, so the story can move forward. I’m not editing anything either, and the file is full of things I want to change or add during revisions.


First off, if you’re reading this, I apologize for the massive mix up with the parts. I forgot to post an entire scene where Gypsy and Aaron discover the priest dead in the field. I thought I had, as the document had been moved to the posted file, but it wasn’t until I was reading over it that I realized the mistake, but like I wrote at the top of the scene, you get the gist of what went on prior in that post. I’m close to the end of the already written script segments, and it’s looking like December’s post will be part of the original novel. That will be so much easier for me. Reformatting a script into a novel has been a pain in my ass, plus, I’ll be able to schedule a year’s worth of posts which will allow me to work on other things. I have an odd number of post ideas and the first six months of 2024 planned out. Most of the posts will be for The Daring Traveller (Tier 1), but I have put a couple for the higher others.

On a completely different note, I found an A.I. program that has let me create my characters and so far, some places as well. That’s really the only reason I’m using it. The only thing I don’t like about the faces is that they’re all so handsome or pretty and almost perfect looking. I’m still tweaking with the program so it could be some time before I understand how to use it properly.

If you’re curious to find out in more detail about the stories above, consider signing up for my newsletter HERE! I have so many stories that I’m working on, and I get into more detail about my novels on my Patreon. For $1 you can read about everything from the state of mind of the characters and why they take the actions that they do, to snippets, to who knows what. If these stories sound interesting to you, you can sign up HERE.

Until next month!    

Writing Update: August 2023.

Can you believe it’s the end of August already? I can’t. It feels like summer just started and now it’s almost over. Maybe because so much happened these last few months that I didn’t really have any time to enjoy the summer. Hopefully, next summer will be better.

This month was good, writing-wise. I wrote quite a bit and fleshed out some plot ideas for others. A few I am really excited about so working on them was a breeze. Okay, time to update!


I revised two episodes and they’re scheduled to go live on my Patreon. I had hoped to get four episodes done and scheduled for the rest of the year, but I’m happy with what I did accomplish. I’m still revising off the script, so the story is done up to a point. It’ll be interesting to know what happens when the characters reach the Quarantine Zone. I have an idea of what they’ll run into, but I’m not sure how it’ll all go down.


This Sci-fi story I am so excited about. I have a solid plot and it’s unfolding wonderfully as I write. The MC got into a sticky situation, okay, more than once, but she seems to be holding her own. This month saw her team up with the Feds. This could be interesting as she’s use to doing things her way, and having to follow behind someone else could bring some problems.

Down Finnegan’s Hollow

I received the notes back from my editor and I’ve scheduled a meeting with my cover artist for the holiday Monday! Things are moving forward and I’ve set a late October release date for the novel. I still have some time to go back over and fix a few of the minor plot holes my editor pointed out. One, in particular, dealing with certain metals, I put in for a reason and then never followed up on it. Now I’m wondering if I should just take it out, but that would involved cutting a big chunk from a scene. I could do it, just rework it a bit but it may be easier to finish writing out that thought. We’ll have to see. 

Zombie Book 2

This is one of the stories I haven’t written much on. The story hasn’t lost interest with me, but with work being what it was this month, I didn’t get as much done as I would have liked. It also feels like I’m rewriting it from scratch. I’ve revised the first seven chapters and I have another eight to go. Things are getting tough now for the characters, and not all off them will be flying off to the safe zone.  

If you’re curious to find out in more detail about the stories above, consider signing up for my newsletter! Starting back in May, I dedicated each month to a story and I go into more detail about that novel. Everything from the state of mind of the characters and why they take the actions that they do, to snippets, to who knows what. If these stories sound interesting to you, you can sign up HERE.

Until next month!    

Writing Update: June 2023.

Summer is here! Bring on the warm weather and reading outside! That is, once I find the charger for my tablet.

I think I’ve come up with a solution to my writing woes. With so many WIPs demanding my attention, I’ve been working on one per week, and so far so good. If I can keep this up, it’ll help me move forward with these stories. Here’s an update on the stories I worked on this month.

Down Finnegan’s Hollow.

I started my new schedule with this story, and it felt weird because I had worked on it the week prior. I did minor edits from the feedback of two beta readers, and this one is almost ready to put to bed. I need to go over it one more time before it’s off to the editor for a final run-through. I have set a publishing date for the last full week of October. That should give me enough time to get the final edits done and some cover art.  

Zombie Book 2.

I’ve rewritten six chapters so far and this book is becoming so much better than the first draft. The first third was cut and re-written but now that I’m into the second act, I’m finding that the story has deviated again and I’m afraid that I’ll have to cut the second act as well. Changing the plot elements in the first book is having so many unintended side-effects. I know it’s going to be good, it’s just a hassle having to cut it all and rewrite.

 Eva and Skye’s Magical Hair Solution.

If you follow me on social media, you’ll know I’m revising to included Skye’s POV. So much more of the story is coming out, but it’s become a monster of a book at almost 100k. I still have eight chapters left to write. Maybe I can find ways to cut scenes to shorten it? I don’t know. I love the new scenes and it desperately needs Skye’s POV. I am having difficulty with scenes that they’re both in. I was told that whomever has the most to lose/gain should be the perspective, so I did two short scenes that lead to the BIG BAD THING.

 Drucilla Book

This is my high fantasy. I don’t like calling it that because I think of epic stories like Lord of the Rings, even though all definitions say that’s the genre, and she shine has worn off on the placeholder title. It started off as a Steampunk set in Upper Canada, and then I added some supernatural elements to the story. Later, I introduced a new source of fuel, so it’s not really Steampunk because they don’t really use steam, but they kinda do and it has that feel? I don’t know what I have anymore, and it’s a long story that I’ve never a first draft of in any of it’s incarnations.


This story is going strong. I’m posting a new episode each month on my Patreon for free, but I need to work on it a bit more. It was originally a story, then I turned it into a script for tv, and now it’s a web series. Each episode is roughly 1,500 words (give or take) and was a full act in script form. I have four more episodes to transcribe before I can move on with new words. The reason I love this story so much is because of the twists I’ve put on traditional monsters. Zombies, not so much, but vampires, werewolves, and wraiths are the main creatures.


If any of these sound interesting to you, and you’re curious to find out more details about them, consider signing up for my newsletter! Starting in May, I’m dedicating each month to a story and I go into more detail about that novel. Everything from the state of mind of the characters and why they take the actions that they do, to snippets, to who knows what. If these stories sound interesting to you, you can sign up HERE.

Until next month!

Writing Update: May 2023.

Well, howdy! Long time no see!

It’s been a rough couple of months. Things got incredibly, well, difficult for March and April (don’t worry, everyone is fine and hubby and I are still together), but it greatly affected my writing. Everything is good now and getting better, but May was the first time in months that I really felt like I wanted to work on my WIPs. Yes, plural. I have four that I’m focused on, and they’ll be the ones that I work on for the rest of the year, so obviously, it’s time for an update!

1. Heir to the Alchemist.

I cut a huge chunk from the middle of this story. Like, chapter size huge. In order for the story to move forward, the MC had to marry, and the life situation I had her in didn’t allow her to accomplish that, so I dragged her down into the mud. Literally. She’s going to go through a really hard winter, and she’ll be at the lowest point in her life during this time, but it has to be done. She has to be so desperate, so wretched, that she jumps at the offer of marriage from a very wealthy man twice her age. Only then can the main part of the story take place and secrets be revealed. I truly don’t see any of this happening without this marriage.

2. Eva & Skye’s Magical Hair Solution.

I returned to the original title. I had to. This story involves both of them, and it wasn’t fair that neither of them had their names in the title. I’m also including new scenes from Skye’s POV. If you follow me on social media, you know that I want the girls’ home life to be as opposite as possible, and just not the magical/non-magical aspect. Some of this is hard to write, but again like with HttA, it has to be done in order for the story to move forward.

3. The Quiet Dead: Book 2.

I am almost finished revising the first few chapters of this story and removing the old plot element. This was the project I was working on when SHTF and I shut everything down. It’s been hard because the old plot lines are still intertwined within, but once it’s done, it should be easier to revise the rest of the novel. I’m still torn on whether or not to continue writing this story. There are three more books that I wanted to do to explore this world, but I am more excited about HttA and the Eva and Skye novels, and I’d like to get the first book of those out as my funds have been greatly reduced, and I will only be able to put out one book per year now. *sigh*

4. Down Finnegan’s Hollow.

This novel is done and has been with a few betas for the last couple of months. This is a stand-alone entrance novel into my Halliwell Island series, but it might be the one I publish this year. Maybe around Hallowe’en? From the feedback I’ve received so far, I’m glad I held off from publishing. The timeline for this story was so messed up, and I don’t know how many times I had to revise and edit just the sequence of events in order for it to make sense. I’m never doing another timeline-based story again. EVAR.

If you’re curious to find out in more detail about the stories above, consider signing up for my newsletter! Starting in June, I’m starting a newsletter series that focuses on one story per month. I plan to go into more detail about each novel. Everything from the state of mind of the characters and why they take the actions that they do, to snippets, to who knows what. If these stories sound interesting to you, you can sign up HERE.

Until next month! Stay safe.

Writing Update: January 2023.

I know I’m a little late with this, but


2023 has started off great for me. I’ve been working on Plague Book 2 and HttA, doing roughly 1,500 words between them. I’ve also been working on Malice, but not as much as I would like. I’m still working on scheduling time to write with other things I do during the day, and it’s taking me a while to find a balance, but being off so much in January really helped get my act together.

Plague Book 2

What a rewrite. I deleted the first four chapters and wrote a new beginning. Before, the MC had medical and military experience, now, she doesn’t, and that’s a big plot element to take out. As of today, I’m four chapters in with new words. All survivors are at a military base, so the revisions should go a bit smoother once it falls to the zombies.

I’m also thinking about another huge chunk that comes right after and whether or not I’ll change it. I put it in as a means to pass the time and show just how bad it is, but I don’t think I’ll have them there for long. The world is about to get really bad, and they have to get to the safe zone.  

I also found my antagonist, at least for this story. I had killed the character off in the old draft, but now I’m keeping him and giving him a promotion. After this book, I won’t write about him for a while and will just focus on the main five; Jolene, Kendra, Arlo, Tamika and Dantrell. I’m even thinking of switching up the POVs for some scenes and showing it from a perspective other than Jolene’s. I’ve already done it with Dantrell, and I like the idea of showing how the other characters are reacting. Plus, there’s going to be things that the others experience that move the story forward, and I want people to see that.

Heir to the Alchemist (HttA).

Like the title? This is my alternate reality/high fantasy story that started out as a Steampunk years ago. It’s coming along nicely too. I have just over 55k written, and I’m finally getting into the back half of this story. Right now, I’m just going where the characters are taking me. I am a plotter, and I’m steering them a bit, but a few new things have popped up, and I love how it’s coming along, but I know a lot of it will probably be edited out in future drafts.

I’ve referenced a lot of Victorian-era elements, but it still feels very pre-industrial. I’ll clear that up more when it’s time for revisions. I also need to work on the supernatural aspect of the story. I have some, and this is a world where there are supernatural beings, but I haven’t shown many except for two. I’ve set up a hint for a third, but I need to make it feel more like a creature was there.  


I’ve written the beginning of a new adventure for the characters in this series. Well, not so much a new one, but the opening of the continuation. Malice starts off with the MC – Aaron, coming to town and the adventure into the dead city, but the main story is what happens AFTER that was the purpose of me starting this story. The second adventure sets in motion a plot for a second novel too. Actually, you know me. I can’t stop at one, so yeah, it’s going to be more than one book.

These are the three main projects I’ve worked on since October. Eva and Skye’s adventure is on hold, as well as the ghost novels. These stories are poking at me, and I need to write them before moving on. This post also starts off my blog routine again. I have a month’s worth of posts all ready to go and ideas for future ones.  

Until next month!    

Writing Update: November 2022.

One more month, and this year will be officially over. Not that it’s been a bad month, but I can’t shake the feeling that I could have been doing more, writing-wise. I really have to get out of that habit.

National Novel Writing Month Project:

Nano is almost at an end, and I’m satisfied with my progress on Ghost Story 2. I started at the beginning of October because this time of year is busy at work. I still don’t have a title for it, and I may keep it as The Haunting of Mercy Moreau, but we’ll see. I had to start from scratch with this story, and I’m loving it! The best part is the rabbit holes I keep falling into. Last month it was tours of abandoned Victorian homes, this month, it’s auction houses and estate sales of Victorian furniture and jewellery. My MC will need a lot of money to fix up the old house, and I want her to have as much as possible, so I needed her to find something that could be liquidated quickly – and that would be furniture and jewellery. There were several reputable jewellers during the Victorian era, and many would make pieces for the Royal Family. They’re still in business today, so I went skulking around their sites. There were modern pieces that ranged from a couple of thousand dollars to several hundred thousand, and they are gorgeous and expensive.  

I have a clear path as to where I want to take the plot and how it will fit in with the others in the series, but I need to read more ghost stories to understand how to write atmosphere. If you have any suggestions, I’d love to hear them.

Webnovel – Malice.

This story is coming along nicely, and I know last month I said I would end it after chapter four, but with the end of chapter three, the characters have come to the conclusion of their recruitment journey, and chapter 4 is the beginning of the main story and I can’t end it there. I want readers to be interested enough to want to read more, but ending it on a cliff-hanger doesn’t sit right with me.

Starting in December, it goes on the first tier of my Patreon. I’ll keep the free posts up but put a disclaimer at the bottom of the last chapter. I will post one part every week, so it’s roughly between .25 to .37 cents per episode, so if you’re interested, you can subscribe HERE.

Alternate Reality Story.

The more I work on this, the more I am excited about it. I worked on this story as well, and I’m finally at the part where shit starts to happen. This is the biggest drawback of my writing. It feels like it takes forever before the plot starts. I love worldbuilding, especially in this world, and if I could just write about the everyday things that go on, I would, but I don’t think that kind of story would sell. Because it’s an alternative world story, coming up with new ideas on familiar concepts is the best part.   

Magic Book 1

I got this back from my beta, and boy, did she give me a lot to work on, but I’m glad because she pointed out everything that would be a problem if I left it alone and published it the way it was. This is why I’m so glad I have her as a beta. To bring parts to my attention that I need to work on. It’ll be a while before I can get to this story now. I plan on working on Zombie Book 2 in the New Year, and I have the two ghost stories as well, but this is part of the larger group that I want to get out there.

How did your writing go this month?

Writing Update: October 2022.

Three things have dominated my October, and that’s Ghost Book 2, Malice web novel and the Strong Women, Strange Worlds season 2 podcast.

First things first.

Ghost Story

Ghost Book 2 is coming along. I’ve got the first couple of chapters written, and only doing 500 words per day is an easy goal to keep. When November starts, I’ll upload that word count and keep going. The next couple of months is incredibly busy for me, and this is the only way I can do NaNoWriMo. I originally wrote it back when erotica was all the rage but was never really happy with it, so I revised the manuscript and removed the sexy scenes and anything to do with that plot, but I still didn’t like it. The whole thing just fell apart, so I put it away, but now that I’ve finished Ghost Book 1, I’ve turned my attention to it again, hoping to make it more creepy, and a big part of that has to do with the house. An old abandoned Victorian house. The main character, Mercy Moreau, owns (with her asshole ex) this old Victorian mansion on an island that is full of ghosts. This house is run down, has been used for other purposes besides a home, and will be the focal point of the story. I need to make sure this place is creepy, so I went looking for pictures of abandoned Victorian homes online and discovered a rabbit hole of videos on YouTube of people who actually go into these places and record it! Oh yeah, I’m in my glory.

Web Novel

Two chapters down, and chapter three looks to be an intense one. The Malice recruits are in the dead city, but they’re not alone, AND someone dies!

Doing this web novel is an experiment, and so far, I’m not impressed with the results. The two sites I have them up on, Wattpad and Royal Road, are dominated by Anime or paranormal romance, and my story gets barely any traction. Even when I advertise it in the forum. I put up a post in RR that, even though it wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea, blah, blah, blah, hoping it would get some views, but nada. I chose these two sites because they were the only ones I felt semi-comfortable with, and it’s beginning to look as if these places are only meant for those two genres.

I can hear you now, do I participate and read their stories? I tried on RR, but out of the half dozen I started (before giving up on all of them), just didn’t interest me or were so amateurish I couldn’t read them, and I’ve yet to find anything interesting on Wattpad. I will continue to post on both until the end of the fourth chapter, then everything gets posted online on my Patreon. I’ll keep the Wattpad account and delete my account on RR. It’s been close to six months since I started this and I feel its time to move on.

Strong Women, Strange Words podcast.

Season two is almost in the bag! I have a couple more interviews, and then I can finish off my post-production. I had a few authors back out due to personal things, but that’s fine. Life happens, and we have to accommodate where we can, and they said they’d be up to doing one for season 3.

I’m feeling more at ease this season. I think I’ve got a good handle on this. I’ve changed the music to be the same as the Quick Reads, so it’s more of a connection to the site. I’m changing the date as well. Season two will start on January 9th, 2023, so when you wake up on that Monday morning, and you’re heading into work after the holidays, tune in and listen to some great segments!

Writing Update: September 2022

It’s been an interesting month for me. Blog posts, revisions to older stories, new podcast interviews, and my web novel. I’ve been busy, and I don’t see it easing up any time soon. This is a good thing. I procrastinated for so long that I let things get behind, and I have so many projects that I’m working on I get a little overwhelmed. Another reason why I write an update at the end of the month; is to keep things in order.

I’ve been a lot more active on the Writing Community hashtag too, but it’s so full of spam and questions going out into the void. I mute all the spam and book promos. I’m sorry, I just find that fucking annoying, and it drowns out all the other members who actually want to connect, which is the reason the damn hashtag was created.

Okay, so let’s get to it, shall we?  

The Quiet Dead.

I’ve decided, after the second book, I’m going to put it away for now. There are three more stories in the series, but I have so many poking at me that I have to let some go. The first draft of book 2 is already done, so it’s a simple matter of revising, which I can start in the new year, and the only reason I’m finishing it is that I included a bit of the first chapter and a release date at the end of the novel. I do plan to work on the remaining stories, and I know where I want to take them, but creating a strong plot for the three remaining ideas will take some time.  

Down Finnigan’s Hollow.

Do you know I’m STILL finding evidence of the original plot in this story? I thought I’d scrub that completely from the manuscript, but I found one sentence halfway through the book, and I’m like, you’re not supposed to be there. I’m in a final revision now before I send it out to my beta, and I may have to do some more revisions and edits once I get it back from her. I may submit it to small press, I’m not sure. I think I need more ghost happenings in it.

Magical Hair Solution.

This is still out with my beta. I keep thinking it’s a weak plot, and I don’t know why. Maybe because of the era it’s set in? I don’t know. I really like this story, and I’ve got a good chunk of the second novel written. The tone is different for this one. Much darker. Kind of like how Harry Potter was all fun and excitement in the first book and then serious and dark in the second. Once it’s all set up, I plan to publish it myself. It’s one of those that just needs to get out there. I can promote it and The Quiet Dead while I figure out what the hell I’m going to do with my ghost book. If things go as my new revised self-publishing schedule, I may release it alongside the second Quiet Dead book or shortly around the same time.

Malice Web Novel.

The web novel is proceeding along. There are over twenty parts up on Wattpad now. Chapter One is entitled In Malice We Trust, and the second is called The Road to Malice. This has been a good challenge for me. Making sure I have a new part ready every Wednesday and Saturday morning is forcing me to keep a deadline. I don’t think I’ve ever had to do that before.  

The Watchtower.

It’s been eleven years since I published this novel. Sometimes I find it hard to believe that it’s been that long. If you’ve read my other updates, I’ve toyed with the idea of taking the whole series down, but I decided instead that I’ll revise the first book and offer it free to 1st Tier subscribers, and when I say revise, I mean revise. I’ve completed the first chapter so far, and I’ve added so much more content to it. This won’t be uploaded to any marketplace, and I will be offering the first chapter only on BookSweep in the near future. 

Last but not least, you can read what happens to the world I destroyed with a zombie plague on WATTPAD or ROYAL ROAD. I have a web novel there, and it’s a continuation of sorts to the novel. Click the sites to start reading.

One last thing, I’ve created a Patreon page that has insights into my stories, videos, audio reads and more. If you’re interested, you can check it out HERE.

I’m also on BookSprout! If you’d like to review my book, you can find it HERE.

And as always, you can subscribe to my newsletter HERE

Writing Update: August 2022

August has been a busy month. Actually, the last couple of months have been busy and I’ve got a lot done so here are some updates for you.


I am heartbroken to say that I accidentally deleted The Possession of Mercy Moreau. It must of happened when I was deleted extra files from the mass of files I got when I recovered my flash drive. There were over four thousand files and ninety percent of them were unreadable or duplicates. As upset as I was about that, when I thought about it, it wasn’t a bad thing. I’ve struggled with this story ever since I took the sex out of it and tried to make it more of a Gothic novel. Doing a hard revision doesn’t always work, and it didn’t in this case, so I’m re-writing it, or should I say writing it again. I have a new title too; The Haunting of Mercy Moreau (or as I’ve been calling it Ghost Book 2), and I’m looking at a January timeline for the first draft.

Speaking of ghosts, I’m doing some edits on Down Finnegan’s Hollow (Ghost Book 1), and I hope to have it ready for my reader by Halloween. This was supposed to be the summer I got all these books out, but I forgot about all the work to make them *ready* to go out, and DFH has a confusing timeline that I need to make sure I get right. It’s also the first book in my Halliwell Island series.


The Magical Hair Solution (Magic Book 1) is with a beta now, but I think it needs more work. There are things popping up in the second book that I need to reference in the first, so I’m glad that I didn’t rush to publish this. I’ll know more when my beta gives it back.

I’ve been working on Magic Book 2, and it might have a title. How does The Dawn Charm sound? Okay, working title. There is so much that I want to tell in this story; the repercussions of what happened at the end of the last book, new secrets revealed, and then the main plot. I am seven chapters in and I’ve only touched on one. There’s some sub-plots that have to go in as well, but I think I’ll add them after the first draft is written.


With The Quiet Dead out, I can start editing Book 2 Resurrection Run. I have this one completed as it was originally part of the first book, but I split it into two novels so I could expand more on certain things for the first one. This will need deep cuts to it. I need to revise a few things about the MC that run through the whole manuscript. Also, I’ve decided not to kill off a member of the group. There will be a death, just not the one I originally had. Killing off characters has become very last decade. This is the only book that has a release date for the summer of 2023. I should be working on it, but these other stories are poking at me.

Last, but not least, you can read what happens to the world I destroyed with a zombie plague in my new web novel on WATTPAD or ROYAL ROAD. It’s a continuation of sorts to the Quiet Dead novel. Click the highlighted sites to start reading.

One last thing, I’ve created a Patreon page that has insights into my stories, videos, audio reads and more. If you’re interested, you can check it out HERE.

I’m also on BookSprout! If you’d like to review my book you can find it HERE.

And as always, you can subscribe to my newsletter HERE

Told you I’ve been busy. 😉

Writing Update: July 2022

What a month! July seemed to fly by, but then I took a week off from work, and vacations always go fast. It’s like they’re in their own time zone or something.

In case you missed it, The Quiet Dead is now live and available at all the regular ebook markets! I spent seven years on this project, and it’s not the same story it was back then, but I’m thrilled with how it turned out. Better than I could have imagined, so if you’re into zombie novels, give it a look. Don’t worry; you get a sample of the story. I always make sure of that, but the length of the sample depends on where you purchase it. Amazon has about half of the first chapter, and all the retailers via Smashwords have about a quarter of the chapter. The price is different on each site as well. I’m sorry, but I can’t upload to each location, so I tried to keep the book priced under $5.

You can find your retailer HERE.

The second book I want to release is my contemporary fantasy The Magical Hair Solution, formerly Eva and Skye’s Magical Hair Solution. I changed the title to reflect the fact that there will be multiple POVs in upcoming books. I could add in a bit more and do it with this first one, but honestly, I don’t want to. I’m working on the second book and I’ve written scenes from the POV of two other characters; Skye, and Eva’s brother Dom. I plan on one more because I want people to see what happens to her. Skye’s home life is very different from Eva’s and it becomes more so in the second book. Also, it’s a contemporary fantasy, not magical realism. Turns out what I thought was M.R. wasn’t. I forgot how much work goes into putting a book out AFTER you’ve written it, so I’m not going to rush this, but I plan on getting it out before the end of the year.

The podcast is doing great! I have a couple more episodes left to air, and then it goes into ‘reruns’. I do have a second season lined up, and hope to start interviewing in September. If you haven’t given it a listen you can find it on Amazon, Google, Spotify, Apple, and Anchor.

I have decided I’m not going to write any more scripts. With all the novels I want to publish, I feel like it’s wasted energy to work on them. Not that I’m trunking the script stories. I can turn them into novels easily enough and publish them as stand-alone. This is what I’m doing with my Malice tv series. It’s based two hundred years after my zombie books and I think I’ve found an original take on a few classic monsters. It’s also on Wattpad for free. It’s a marketing/promo thing for my zombie series. I’m purposely connecting certain landmarks from the novels into the series. Want to know what happens after the series? Read Malice. Want to know what happened with the Great Plague? Read the novels. Get it. Cross promotion. You can read it on Wattpad HERE.

I’m proud to say I have put out 4 newsletters this year. Seems I’m on a roll! Zombies! Magic! Vengeful spirits! Who knew the world could be so exciting and dangerous at the same time? Subscribe to my newsletter and become the first to know when it all arrives.  http://www.darkeconteur.com/