ATTENTION AUTHORS! Would you like some free promotion?

If you didn’t already know, I do two monthly blog series where I focus on authors and their work. One is an interview I conduct via email, and the second is a guest post of an excerpt for a book the author wishes to promote. I’ve had the pleasure of highlighting some wonderful authors, and it’s time to put the call out again.

I welcome all authors, published either Self, Indie, Traditionally, and in any genre minus any books/authors with books depicting bestiality, any form of animal cruelty, child pornography, or any book where the author demonizes another group of people based on race, religion or sexual orientation.



I do one interview per month and it goes live on the 15th. There are ten questions and I try to make them as much about you and your work as I can by basing future questions off your answers.

The guest post consists of a 1,500 – 2000 excerpt from your novel(s) and goes live on the last day of the month. If you would like to do both, I can arrange it so that your interview and guest post would appear in the same month. If you would like this, please be aware that it may not happen in a month of your choosing.

My goal is to promote only you, so if you’re part of a blog group or writing group, that’s wonderful, but I don’t want to promote them. I have a limited amount of spots open; therefore, it is a first-come-first-serve deal. I will update this post until all spots are filled.


Please note:

I require all potential guests to have their book available on both .mobi and epub formats. This means the public can purchase your ebook on either Amazon (.mobi) or Barns and Noble/iTunes/Kobo or any other outlet that deals with epub. If your book is print only that’s fine; everyone can hold a book, but not everyone has the same ereader.

If you’re interested, you can email me at the address below. Please include how you are published (Traditional, Indie, or Self), the name and genre of the book you wish to promote and several links to where your book can be found. This is just a reassurance for me that people of all ereader types can purchase your book.


Post all this in the body of your email and send it to;

darkewhispers69 (at) gmail (dot) com


If you haven’t already seen, I actively engaged in promoting authors of all genre’s and career paths by either interview them or allowing them to post a small excerpt of their published work on my blog. I’ve had the pleasure of hosting some wonderful authors, and it’s time to put the call out again. I welcome all authors; published either Self, Indie, Traditionally, or unpublished with a WIP, and in any genre.

I will not host an author whose book contains bestiality, child porn or abuse in any way, nor will I host an author whose book purposely demonizes a group of people based on their race, religion, political or sexual orientation.

I do one interview per month which goes live on the 15th . There are ten questions and I try to make them as much about you and your work as I can. The guest excerpt post consists of a 1,500 to 2,000 word sample of a novel you wish to promote.

My goal is to promote only you, so if you’re part of a blog group or writing group, that’s wonderful, but I don’t want to promote them. All spots for 2014 are taken. For 2015, I have 9 spots open for the guest excerpt post and 5 spots open for the interviews, and therefore will take applicants on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Please note:

I require all potential interviewee’s have their book available on both .mobi and epub formats. This means the public can purchase your ebook on either Amazon (.mobi) or Barns and Noble/iTunes/Kobo, or any other outlet that deals with epub. If your book is print only that’s fine; everyone can hold a book, but not everyone has the same ereader.

If you’re interested, you can email me at the address below. Please include how you are published (Traditional, Indie, or Self), the name and genre of the book you wish to promote and several links to where your book can be found. This is just a reassurance that people of all ereader types can purchase your book.

Post all this in the body of your email and send it to;

darkewhispers69 (at) gmail (dot) com

I look forward to hearing from you!

It’s a blog hop sort of thang!

My friend Paul Carroll asked me if I wanted to be a part of a blog hop. I have to answer four questions and then find more people to pass this on to. Never done one before so I thought I’d give it a try. Not sure what to expect, so here goes.


What am I working on?: Well if that isn’t a loaded question, I don’t know what is. As I write this out, I’m finishing up the last chapter of book five to my paranormal series. It’s been a bugger to write, mostly because I’ve been so distracted with other WIPS. I’m hoping to have it done by the end of this week at the latest. April is going to be a hard month of revisions.

Then there is THE POSSESSION OF MERCY MOREAU, the PR novel that needs revising. GUTTERCHILDE, the first book in a Steampunk series that needs a major overhaul. I revised the first chapter of MISTAKEN REALITY, a scifi novella (the beginning of yet another series), and I am poking away at DOWN FINIGGIN’S HOLLOW, my horror novel. Whether or not all these will get done this year is unknown.


How does my work differ from other in this genre? This is a strange question. Of course each writer is going to think their work is different, but is it really? I mean, sure, my stories have real information in them, so when I write that a certain herb is used for purifying, then you can be sure it’s the truth, but I don’t think that makes my work any different. Maybe just a little less…creative? In my second book UNDER THE COVER OF WICCA, Aslin instructs a Daniel to stay away from the blood of the gargoyles (quicksilver) as he didn’t bring an antidote. Quicksilver is also known as mercury, and in this case, I think the cure is worse than the disease, so…stay away from it.


Why do I write what I do? If you knew me in real life, you’d know the answer. I am drawn to the darker side of nature; always have been. I don’t think I could write about fluffy bunnies and happy elves, unless they were being served as the main course for dinner. My mind is constantly thinking up story ideas, or new twists on a story, or how I can incorporate a gruesome detail into an existing story. It’s a rather macabre life, but I’ve been like this since childhood when I used to wonder if one could get away with burying a body in a field under an abandoned car…

How does your writing process work? I write lots of outlines. Lots of outlines. I outline the overall story and then go chapter by chapter. When I write, I have at least two files open; one that has the outlines, and another for future information or plot ideas that can be added in during revisions. Generally, I see a scene play out in my mind before I write them down, especially difficult ones like fight scenes. It’s the only way I can keep it all straight. I tried to read, but come the end of the day I’m either too tired or just not in the mood, but don’t tell my husband that. He thinks I read all the time on my Kobo.


If you would like to continue with this blog hop, I offer you my good friend Matt Sinclair President and Editor in Chief of Elephant’s Bookshop Press, LLC, and author friend Dean C Rich. Their post will be up next Monday.

DeanconstitutionDean C. Rich has lived from New York to California, Washington to Texas, and several places in between.  He loves the Rocky Mountains, where he spent 18 years, and has lived in the heartland.  He currently resides in Mississippi with his wife and his youngest two children (His other three kids are grown and out of the house) and two cats.  A dog would be most welcome, but his wife is not overly fond of critters, she and the cats tolerate one another.    He enjoys writing Speculative Fiction, mainly Fantasy, and Science Fiction.  His current project is an epic fantasy that has a mind of its own.  He is attempting to rein it in and tame it so it may be printed.  Dean also enjoys photography, camping, reading, good movies, and of course telling fun stories.


FTWA headshotMatt Sinclair is an author and a New York City-based journalist covering philanthropy and charity, primarily in the United States—a field he has covered since the mid-1990s—and a freelance editor and writer covering as much of everything else as he can. He is a site moderator at Agent Query Connect and blogs at the Elephant’s Bookshelf and From the Write Angle. He tweets from @Elephantguy68. In 2012, he established Elephant’s Bookshelf Press, LLC, which has now published six books including the novel Whispering Minds by A.T. O’Connor.


Claimed by the Demon Blog Tour

Do you know what I hate? Forgetting to do things; like setting the clock forward. I’ve been behind the whole day. Worse, it buggers up my schedules.

Do you know what I like? Demons (as if you didn’t already know that), which is why I am proud to be a stop (albeit, late) on Felicity Heaton’s Claimed by a Demon King blog tour! It’s all yours, Felicity!


It’s great to be here at Darke Conteur’s as part of the Claimed by a Demon King Book Tour celebrating the release of the second book in my new Eternal Mates series of paranormal romance novels.

Today, I’m going to be sharing an excerpt from the book.

But before we get to the main event, I want to introduce myself. I’m a British paranormal romance author and a USA Today best-seller. I have been writing since 2005, and went indie in 2006. I love to write big worlds, populated by vampires, shifters, demons, fae and angels, and I have several series. This tour is about the Eternal Mates series, which is actually a spin-off from my Vampire Erotic Theatre series. That series focused on a family of vampires at one theatre in London but it had glimpses into the wider world outside the theatre. It’s that world of fae, dark elves, demons, witches, shifters, and other incredible species that the Eternal Mates focuses on.

Now, on with the show…

claimedbyademonking-felicityheatonClaimed by a Demon King – Excerpt
Sable’s world disappeared in a swirl of cold black shadows. She closed her eyes against it. The heat of the sun on her skin gave way to the icy chill and then became a blast of moist warm air. The shrouding silence of the portal shattered under the explosion of grunts and roars and the metallic clang of weapons clashing.

The scent of morning became the odour of blood.

Sable snapped her eyes open and her heart leaped and pounded, quickening her blood and preparing her body.

The first thing she saw was Thorne shirtless and swinging his enormous broadsword at an equally massive bare-chested warrior. His opponent blocked with his own blade and growled, flashing huge fangs as he swung a meaty fist. The blow connected with Thorne’s right cheek and he stumbled, grunting as he struggled to regain his footing and ready his blade to defend himself.

Sable’s hand instantly went to the folded crossbow at her side and she flicked it open, pushing away from Bleu at the same time. Another immense demon attacked Thorne before he managed to right himself and the dagger sliced across the Third King’s thickly muscled right shoulder.

Thorne roared and finally launched himself at the males, taking them both on at once. They weren’t alone. The wide oval courtyard of the dark stone fortress was in pandemonium. Sable counted at least two dozen demons, all focused on him with their weapons drawn and at the ready. No other fought on his side.

The sight of him standing alone against so many adversaries, bleeding from multiple wounds on his torso and arms, brought a red haze down over her vision.

Sable launched herself into the fray just as one of the males attacked. Her heart raced, pumping adrenaline that made her feel high as she reached beneath her left arm, slipped her fingers into the rings on two of her throwing knives, and hurled them with deadly accuracy at the warrior. They nailed him in the left of his broad chest and his shoulder, and she didn’t give him a chance to recover his focus. She loosed a barbed dart from her crossbow at him, reloaded in the space of a heartbeat, and shot the other male now attacking Thorne.

The barbed dart embedded into the demon’s left thigh and he grunted, his eyes glowing crimson as he turned his attention on her. Good. She had to give Thorne a moment to recover his wits and get back in the fight.

The warrior stomped towards her, blood pulsing down his leg with each step, turning his black leathers slick and shiny. He growled, his top lip peeling back off his fangs, and shook his head. His dusky horns curled further, forming a loop and flaring forwards into twin dangerous points near his cheekbones.

Sable made a mental note to avoid them and drew the short blade strapped to her other thigh, ready to fight him. He swung the moment he was within reach and she ducked beneath the long silver blade, rolled forwards and came to her feet behind him. She slashed up his back, her knife splitting tanned flesh and scraping over bone, and grinned as he arched forwards and roared.

The thrill chasing through her blood increased, consuming her, driving her to keep going and embrace wildness it unleashed within her. She had been born to fight monsters and she felt it now more than ever as she faced off against the enormous demon males, swiftly calculating their every move before they could make it, ready for anything.

Sable grabbed a bolt with a thick cylinder on the end from her quiver pouch. Explosive dart. God she loved these things. She loaded it onto the small crossbow and swung to her left, aiming at the group of males storming towards her.

She grinned and pulled the trigger.

A large bloodstained hand clamped down on the weapon, grasping it and holding the bolt in place.

Sable growled in frustration and released her crossbow, leaving it in the demon’s hand. She thrust hard with her blade, blindly stabbing at her new enemy.

The huge male grabbed her wrist before she could drive the cold steel into his flesh. The tip pressed into his muscular chest and she froze when she realised it was Thorne frowning down at her, his rough masculine features crinkled in confusion.

“You seek to harm me, Little Female? I thought we had discussed this before?”

His deep gravelly voice washed over her and his thumb caressed the inside of her wrist. Sable trembled. The hot shivery ache rolling through her increased in intensity as he tugged on her wrist, gently drawing her closer to him, his red gaze holding hers, commanding and powerful. She couldn’t break its hold on her. She tilted her head right back, lost in his eyes as he towered over her, making her feel small and weak, vulnerable to him.

Sable dropped her blade, the clang of it hitting the stone slabs beneath her feet jarring in the thick silence. She breathed hard, firmly under his spell and unable to form a response.

She had forgotten just how gorgeous he was and how his presence lit her up inside like fireworks on November fifth.

“Well?” Thorne cocked his head to one side and a hank of wild red-brown hair fell down onto his bloodstained brow.

Sable slowly shook her head and forced words up her dry throat and past her lips. “I was trying to help.”

A smile worked its way onto his firm lips and he flashed short fangs. “That is very kind of you… but I do not require your assistance to spar with my men.”


Sable inched her gaze towards the demon males to her left. They had all stopped and were staring at her. She looked to her other side, at her team and the elves, and cringed. None of them had moved. She alone had leapt into the fray.

A blush burned up her cheeks before she could stop it. Thorne canted his head again, raised his free hand and lightly brushed the backs of his short claws across her left cheek. She shuddered under the gentle caress, her pulse quickening for a different reason as the heat burning inside her exploded into wildfire. She had to get a grip. This was a mission.

“Did you believe me to be under attack?” he husked in a low, quiet voice that sent a fierce shiver through her, cranking up her temperature another thousand degrees.

She couldn’t bring herself to look at him. She nodded, and admitting it left her feeling like a fool.

“And you came to my aid?” Had he moved closer to her? His breath washed over her cheek, moist and hot, smelling faintly of something sweet and the coppery tang of blood.

Sable nodded again.

“You are but a little mortal female… yet you desired to fight all these demon males in order to protect me?”

When he put it like that, she couldn’t stop herself from blushing harder. She had reacted on instinct but the tone of his voice and the way he drew her closer still, until she could feel his heat rolling off him and over her, told her that he thought she did it because she felt something for him.

Desired him.

She cleared her throat, finally locked down her emotions and found her voice again, and even the courage to lift her gaze to his. “Not out of favouritism or anything. I’m here on a mission and that mission entails protecting you and your kingdom from demons. I saw you battling a score of demons and I did my duty.”

She twisted her hand free of his grip and hated the sharp disappointed edge his eyes gained. It made her feel like a bitch. She grabbed her blade from the dark stone pavement and jammed it into its sheath, and then snatched up her crossbow and checked it over, taking her time about it, stewing under the intense heat of his gaze.

Sable kept her head bent and holstered her crossbow and the unused explosive dart. Thorne continued to stare at her. So did everyone else. She was not going to blush. She racked her brain, trying to think of something to say to make everything go back to normal, and diligently kept her gaze away from Thorne.

She had also forgotten how impossibly tight his dark mahogany leather trousers were. They clung to his muscular thighs, stretched over them like a second skin, held closed by criss-crossed lacing over his crotch.

Not staring. Not staring.

Her eyes betrayed her, leaping to the impressive bulge in his trousers, and she forced it upwards before anyone noticed. Thorne’s gaze locked with hers again, holding her immobile.

“I’ll need my blades and bolts back now,” she muttered, not quite with the world or aware of what she was saying.

Thorne nodded. “Of course.”

He signalled his men and Sable realised just what she had asked, and felt dismal as the men immediately tore the barbed darts and throwing knives from their flesh without giving a single grunt or revealing a flicker of the pain they must have experienced.

They came forwards and placed the weapons into Thorne’s outstretched hand. He wiped the blood off them on his leather trousers and then held them out to her.

Sable swallowed her guilt and took them from him. She slipped the blades away beneath her arms and put the darts back in her quiver. The silence in the courtyard thickened again. She wasn’t sure what to do. She had made one hell of a first impression—on her team, on the elves, on the demons.

On Thorne.

She wanted to groan and bury her head in her heads.

She needed a do-over on everything after she had appeared in the Third Realm. It really hadn’t gone as planned.


I hope you enjoyed this peek into Claimed by a Demon King!

claimedbyademonking-booktourbuttonBe sure to follow this fantastic tour to learn more about the passionate alpha heroes and sassy heroines in the Eternal Mates romance series! You can also find yourself in with a chance to WIN a $50 or $25 Amazon Gift Certificate if you follow the tour. More details, including how to enter and a full list of stops, are available at the Claimed by a Demon King Virtual Book Tour page:

Claimed by a Demon King is available from Amazon Kindle, Kobo Books, Barnes and Noble Nook, Apple iBooks stores and other retailers. Also available in paperback. Find the links to your preferred retailer at and a downloadable 6 chapter excerpt at:

Claimed by a Demon King (Eternal Mates Romance Series Book 2)
Felicity Heaton
The moment the demon King Thorne of the Third Realm set eyes on the mortal huntress Sable, he knew she was his fated one. The fiery, dangerous female awakened hungers he had never experienced before, a dark craving and passion that has consumed him in their time apart. As the lunar cycle wanes, she enters his world again and nothing will stand in the way of him claiming his forever with her—not the relentless assault from the Fifth Realm or the dark elf male determined to seduce her out of his grasp.

Intent on achieving the coveted position of commander at Archangel, Sable leads her small team into the dark underworld and the Third Realm, to a war where her allies are the very creatures she normally hunts—vampires, werewolves, and demons. Her eagerness to lead the deadly mission has everything to do with winning her promotion, and nothing to do with the kingdom’s brash, lethally seductive demon king—a king who stirred fierce desire and wildfire heat in her with just a look and an innocent touch when they first met, and has been in her wicked dreams ever since.

As the gathering storm between rivals unleashes irresistible passion that flares white-hot and the heat of the battle brings life-shattering realisations, can Sable place her duty before her heart? Or will she surrender to her deepest desires and be claimed by a demon king?

Claimed by a Demon King is available from Amazon Kindle, Kobo Books, Barnes and Noble Nook, Apple iBooks stores and other retailers. Also available in paperback. Find the links to your preferred retailer at:

Books in the Eternal Mates romance series:
Kissed by a Dark Prince (Eternal Mates Romance Series Book 1)
Claimed by a Demon King (Eternal Mates Romance Series Book 2)

About Felicity Heaton:
Felicity Heaton is a USA Today and international best-selling author writing passionate paranormal romance books. In her books she creates detailed worlds, twisting plots, mind-blowing action, intense emotion and heart-stopping romances with leading men that vary from dark deadly vampires to sexy shape-shifters and wicked werewolves, to sinful angels and hot demons!

If you’re a fan of paranormal romance authors Lara Adrian, J R Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Gena Showalter and Christine Feehan then you will enjoy her books too.

If you love your angels a little dark and wicked, the best-selling Her Angel series is for you. If you like strong, powerful, and dark vampires then try the Vampires Realm series or any of her stand-alone vampire romance books. If you’re looking for vampire romances that are sinful, passionate and erotic then try the best-selling Vampire Erotic Theatre series. Or if you prefer huge detailed worlds filled with hot-blooded alpha males in every species, from elves to demons to dragons to shifters and angels, then take a look at the new Eternal Mates series.

felicityheatonIf you want to know more about Felicity, or want to get in touch, you can find her at the following places:
Mailing List:


Everyone’s A Winner! (Giveaway Results)

Okay, time to pull you out of your self-induced turkey coma and announce the winners of the 12 Days of Christmas Music Video Countdown.

And the winners are…..

Paul Carroll, Tom Bradley, Dawn G Sparrow, April Brown, Mpax, Jean Oram, Kenneth Mark Hoover, and Anita Howard.

There are only eight winners, some days people posted some days they didn’t. Ah well, that’s the way things go. Congratulations to all! I’ll send a coupon to you (I know how to get in touch with all of you) when the novel goes out. I’m hoping for around the beginning of February.

In the meantime, enjoy this music video I found especially for this announcement. Enjoy!


12 Days of Christmas Video Countdown; Day 11 – Celine Dion

Ava Maria

Even if you’re not a Christian, you have to admit, this is a beautiful song. It holds a special place in my heart, as it was the song I chose to play instead of ‘Here Comes the Bride.’ I don’t know why I chose it, I just liked the way it sounds. Or maybe it the singer. She has such a beautiful and strong voice.


Remember, each time you post a comment, re-tweet or ‘like’ this post, your name goes into a daily draw. The prize; a coupon to receive my next novella, UNDER THE COVER OF WICCA, for free. Commenting for the day closes at 9pm EST.

Good luck.


Victims of ritual sacrifices are showing up in one graveyard, and sixteen-year-old sensitive Janet Weiss is the only witness the police have.

With Janet’s safety in question, Jezryall enlists the help of Rowan, a Wiccan Priestess and old friend. When followers of dark magic kidnap Janet in a brazen daylight attack, Jezryall and her team make a stand against the continuing threat.

The balance between good and evil is being methodically destroyed, and Janet’s unintentional witnessing of the latest ritual may not be by accident. Jezryall and her staff must rescue the teen and stop the culprits before the balance of power is tilted more in favour of evil.

Failure is not an option, or Janet’s soul won’t be the only one condemned to Hell.

12 Days of Christmas Video Countdown; Day 10 (again) – The Waitresses

Christmas Wrapping

Another unknown holiday song. I heard this years ago, probably when it was originally released, but I don’t hear it much now. Took me forever to find it too. A cute little song about a woman trying to hook up with a guy over the course of the year.


Remember, each time you post a comment, re-tweet or ‘like’ this post, your name goes into a daily draw. The prize; a coupon to receive my next novella, UNDER THE COVER OF WICCA, for free. Commenting for the day closes at 9pm EST.

Good luck.


Victims of ritual sacrifices are showing up in one graveyard, and sixteen-year-old sensitive Janet Weiss is the only witness the police have.

With Janet’s safety in question, Jezryall enlists the help of Rowan, a Wiccan Priestess and old friend. When followers of dark magic kidnap Janet in a brazen daylight attack, Jezryall and her team make a stand against the continuing threat.

The balance between good and evil is being methodically destroyed, and Janet’s unintentional witnessing of the latest ritual may not be by accident. Jezryall and her staff must rescue the teen and stop the culprits before the balance of power is tilted more in favour of evil.

Failure is not an option, or Janet’s soul won’t be the only one condemned to Hell.

12 Days of Christmas Video Countdown; Day 10 – Jingle Dogs

Jingle Bells.

This is a novelty song, no doubt about it, but who doesn’t like animals pretending to be human, eh? It became a smash hit, and spawned so many copy-cats (pun intended). Yet apart from this video, I haven’t seen or heard this song since its original release. Ah well, fads come and go.  


Remember, each time you post a comment, re-tweet or ‘like’ this post, your name goes into a daily draw. The prize; a coupon to receive my next novella, UNDER THE COVER OF WICCA, for free. Commenting for the day closes at 9pm EST.

Good luck.


Victims of ritual sacrifices are showing up in one graveyard, and sixteen-year-old sensitive Janet Weiss is the only witness the police have.

With Janet’s safety in question, Jezryall enlists the help of Rowan, a Wiccan Priestess and old friend. When followers of dark magic kidnap Janet in a brazen daylight attack, Jezryall and her team make a stand against the continuing threat.

The balance between good and evil is being methodically destroyed, and Janet’s unintentional witnessing of the latest ritual may not be by accident. Jezryall and her staff must rescue the teen and stop the culprits before the balance of power is tilted more in favour of evil.

Failure is not an option, or Janet’s soul won’t be the only one condemned to Hell.

12 Days of Christmas Video Countdown; Day 7 – Band Aid

Do They Know it’s Christmas.

I still remember when this song first came out. It really drove home what was going on in Ethiopia. There was a documentary filmed during Live Aide, and when they showed film from Ethiopia, the crowd went silent. I don’t think anyone really thought about who the song was for, until that moment.


Remember, each time you post a comment, re-tweet or ‘like’ this post, your name goes into a daily draw. The prize; a coupon to receive my next novella, UNDER THE COVER OF WICCA, for free. Commenting for the day closes at 9pm EST.

Good luck.


Victims of ritual sacrifices are showing up in one graveyard, and sixteen-year-old sensitive Janet Weiss is the only witness the police have.

With Janet’s safety in question, Jezryall enlists the help of Rowan, a Wiccan Priestess and old friend. When followers of dark magic kidnap Janet in a brazen daylight attack, Jezryall and her team make a stand against the continuing threat.

The balance between good and evil is being methodically destroyed, and Janet’s unintentional witnessing of the latest ritual may not be by accident. Jezryall and her staff must rescue the teen and stop the culprits before the balance of power is tilted more in favour of evil.

Failure is not an option, or Janet’s soul won’t be the only one condemned to Hell.

12 Days of Christmas Video Countdown; Day 7 – The Chipmunks

Christmas Don’t Be Late.

This week I want to share some of the more modern classic holiday songs. These were instant successes when they came out.  First one, a song that will be around for generations to come. Hard to believe that this song is 58 years old!   


Remember, each time you post a comment, re-tweet or ‘like’ this post, your name goes into a daily draw. The prize; a coupon to receive my next novella, UNDER THE COVER OF WICCA, for free. Commenting for the day closes at 9pm EST.

Good luck.


Victims of ritual sacrifices are showing up in one graveyard, and sixteen-year-old sensitive Janet Weiss is the only witness the police have.

With Janet’s safety in question, Jezryall enlists the help of Rowan, a Wiccan Priestess and old friend. When followers of dark magic kidnap Janet in a brazen daylight attack, Jezryall and her team make a stand against the continuing threat.

The balance between good and evil is being methodically destroyed, and Janet’s unintentional witnessing of the latest ritual may not be by accident. Jezryall and her staff must rescue the teen and stop the culprits before the balance of power is tilted more in favour of evil.

Failure is not an option, or Janet’s soul won’t be the only one condemned to Hell.