Blessed Yule!

The Crystal Realm: Crystal jewellery.

The easiest way I find to utilize the power of crystals is to wear them as jewellery. I have several that I wear every day to ward off negativity and bad energy, especially to work, and I never leave the house without them on. You can see them HERE.

Moonstone is generally used the most. For Wiccans it’s a sacred stone connected to the Goddess, the energy of the moon, the feminine energy, and is linked to the penal glad for psychic energy and can help with energy flow through the body. If you know me, then you know I wear silver on my right hand and gold on my left, but the ring on the right has a tin band, and the other is brass. Both of these metals have their own properties that work well with the energies of the moonstone.

Brass is a metal alloy, it’s metaphysical properties are not as strong as the actual copper, but it can help conduct the energy of the moonstone. The soft metal of tin can enhance the power of the moonstone along with it’s own properties of attracting prosperity and business success. Both metals are used for jewelry because they are cheaper than silver and gold. My only problem with the brass ring is that it tarnishes and leaves a green mark around my finger. I solved that by applying a coat of clear nail polish to the inside of the ring.

The other form of wearing crystals is with bracelets. I have four, again I don’t go anywhere without them on. The four I have are garnet, rose quartz, turquoise, and my obsidian. I have one bracelet that I only wear if I’m doing ritual and it’s jet and obsidian.

I use all four as their energies compliment each other. Garnet and Rose Quartz for emotional cleansing and stability, Turquoise for speaking clearly, and obsidian for protection against negativity. Because I use them every day, they are cleansed with each full moon. I find this is the easiest and best way for me to utilize crystals in my life, apart from putting them in a pocket. I don’t like pockets. Oddly enough, I’m afraid I’ll lose one if I carry them this way.

Part of using crystals is focusing on what they represent. Seeing them throughout the day helps me to focus on what they do, which empowers them even more and reinforces their affect. Plus, they look pretty.

A Wiccan Journey: Moon Water.

If you saw my IG post about the last full, super moon, you know that I created moon water. The energy from the last full, blue, super moon of the year was powerful, and now I have just under a quart of magical water that will be the base of some spells I want to do.

Moon water is a great resource for cleansing rituals. I can add it to your bath water, drink it (apparently, but I’m not going to), and use it as a base for a spritz or spray. I can infuse the water with different herbs or crystals depending on what I wish to accomplish with the water and it’s so east to create. Just pour rain water, spring water, or distilled water into a glass jar and set it out to capture the full moon’s energy. I don’t recommend tap water because of the chemicals that are put into it, unless you have a water purifier. I used water that I rinse through my Britta, but I think next time I’ll boil it as well.

Because I wanted to use my water for different things, I didn’t put anything into the water before I set it outside. When I need to create something with it, I’ll take a small amount and infuse that with herbs or crystals and let it sit for a few days, and then pour it into a spray bottle and I’ll have it ready whenever I need it.

I’ve made moon water before during the full moon because that’s when the energy is the strongest, but I’ve recently discovered that you can make moon water at any of the eight points of the moon’s cycle, from full to new. Each has a different intent, so if I wanted to make banishing water, I would set out your jar during the Waning Gibbous or 3rd Quarter. If you’re interested, you can find more information on the different quarters HERE.

The first magical water I want to make is a cleansing one that I can spray around the apartment to clear out the stagnant energy from the previous tenants. I need some herbs as well and as I used up all the ones I had I’ll have to purchase fresh. Sage is one, eucalyptus, clove, maybe some pine. Because it’s for the apartment I want relaxation so I’ll add some crystals to the water too. I think rose quartz would be nice for that feeling of peace and love, and this is a nice and easy way to incorporate magic into my everyday life.

A Wiccan Journey: Sensing the Unseen.

One of the first things I noted, when I began following my path was how much more I noticed spiritual things. They aren’t world-shattering or frightening, just the opposite, and after reading and listening to videos from well-known mediums, these occurrences became less scary and more informative. I began to connect small signs to things, for instance, finding dimes in places that I knew for a fact wasn’t there before or discovering my toaster unplugged several minutes after using it. These were all small signs, to me, that someone or something was watching over me, and they were never frightening.

That’s not to say that I haven’t felt uncomfortable sometimes. My husband and I lived in an old horse barn converted into two apartments, and I never felt at ease there. I still remember rolling over one night, half asleep, and seeing someone standing at the end of the bed. It didn’t register with me until the next morning, and the far right corner of the room never felt good. At night I would never look in that direction when I had to get up. It was also the first time I heard ‘people’ talking through the floor vents. It sounded like a tv on, and I could never hear what was being said, but it was just loud enough that it registered as talking. That apartment was highly energized. I know the history of the property. Some bad things went on in the main house, and I truly believe that bad things took place in the structure that would later be my home. We lived there for several years, and in that time, we had four tenants in the bottom apartment. Every one of them broke up and moved out, only to get back together AFTER they left. When the second couple broke up and left, I cast a protection spell on our apartment. Whatever was interfering downstairs could stay downstairs.

At my mother’s house, I hated going into the basement at night. That was hard for me because to save on hydro, I would only do my laundry at night. I always felt like something was watching me, and when I’d go up to the bed, the stairs creaked in such a way that it would sound like I wasn’t the only one going up them. I knew the layout of the upstairs well enough that I could navigate it with my eyes closed, which I did a lot because I couldn’t shake that feeling. I chalked all this up to being afraid of the dark, except that when I was out visiting my husband, It didn’t bother me to walk around in the dark, but I didn’t like the cellar there either.

Staying with my inlaws, it’s a different energy than at my mother’s place, and not once have I felt uncomfortable walking around in the dark. I have had one encounter with spirit energy. It was quick but definitely something. I turned on the kitchen light, and for a flash of a moment, something white stood at the entrance of the living room. It had no real shape, but there was a head, arms and legs. I don’t discount it as a trick of the light, either. This was VERY solid. I immediately got the feeling that it WAS something, but nothing evil. I’m not sure what it was, but I like to think it was either Hubby’s grandmother or grandfather, still hanging around and checking the place out.

I will be VERY curious to see what our new place will hold.


A Wiccan Journey: Phone apps for the busy Wiccan.

I am a somewhat unorganized person. I become so wrapped up in a project that sometimes I forget about other things going on in my life. That’s why I am so glad that there are phone apps that help me along my spiritual path.

Apart from these apps being incredibly interesting and providing information whenever I need it, many of them are free, and I have all I need right at my fingertips. From phases of the moon, tarot cards, calendars and an online BOS, my apps keep me informed and alert me when a special date is coming.

I like the idea of having my information on me all the time. I’m still looking for a good crystal app for information. I find a lot of sites on my computer about crystals, but I’d like one for my phone, in case I find myself someplace that sells crystals. I dislike going online with my phone because of all those damn pop-ups; more than once, I’ve accidentally tapped one and ended up on some stupid site.

I took a screen shot of the apps. You can find it HERE

I researched many before downloading the ones I have. The free apps are good, and many of the paid ones offer a free trial, but there are so many of them that finding the right ones was a matter of trial and error. The best app I have is Sky Map and Phases of the Moon. With Sky Map, once it’s calibrated to your phone, you can find the positions of all the stars, constellations, and galaxies, and there’s a line to indicate the horizon. You hold up your phone in any direction, and it will show you the universe, and it’s really cool when a few of the planets are close together. Phases of the Moon is literally just that. You’ve got the time and date when the moon rises and sets, the current phase, how far away it is, and what constellation it’s in.

I never thought a phone would be so useful.

The Crystal Realm: Crystals for Depression.

At this time of year, with less sunlight and colder temperatures, it’s easy for some of us to become depressed. There’s a study that shows that seasonal depression is a real thing and it affects millions of people around the world, but there are some subtle ways to help combat this intrusive psychological disorder.


Depression can manifest in different ways and to different degrees. The most common way to use crystals is by breaking the cycle or shifting one’s thought patterns. This is not something that will happen overnight, and like most self-help practices, it does take some time to train yourself on how to use them. Some people sense a shift or a calmer feeling right away but don’t be discouraged if this doesn’t happen to you. The key is consistency. Keep working with the stones, allow their energy to help you.

All the crystals that I listed I found on several sites. These sites can explain better than I, how these stones work, and they all recommend the same ones. You don’t have to purchase them all, but chose the ones that best fit how you’re feeling.

Tiny Rituals –

Village Rock Shop –

1. Carnelian

2. Smoky Quartz

3. Lepidolite

4. Red Jasper

5. Snowflake Obsidian

6. Citrine

7. Malachite

8. Clear Quartz

9. Tiger’s Eye

10. Amethyst

11. Rose Quartz

12. Blue Agate

13. Black Tourmaline

14. Adventurine

15. Moonstone

16. Obsidian

17. Shungite

18. Sunstone

A Wiccan Journey: A New Version of the Goddess’ Consort.

Recently I started revamping my rituals, going through them one at a time and revising my connection to each one. This month I want to look at the male energy of paganism, better known as the Holly King and the Oak King.

Pagan belief is that the Holly King is consort to the Goddess from the summer solstice to the winter solstice, and the Oak King is her consort from winter to summer. It’s seen as two separate Gods; brother and rivals, but the more I think about it, the more I’m beginning to feel that, like the Goddess, the God goes through changes as well. I despise the ‘endless battle’ myth as it comes off as being one-dimensional and violent. Ancient cultures connected the volatile change in the season as a battle, but there is something inherently negative in that myth.

Not only that, as someone who has been married for close to thirty years to the same man, I can tell you males change, so why can’t that be reflected in the male energy? We worship the three aspects of womanhood; the maid, the mother and the crone, and the Goddess’ role changes as the wheel of the year progresses, so why not the same for the God. Instead of proclaiming that the Holly King ‘dies’ or loses the ‘battle against the Oak King, why not have him change WITH her; have the Holly King BECOME the Ivy King instead?

Going forward with this, I plan on focusing on the God as being transformative instead of separate. Two sides to the same coin. His energy changes as the year progress to compliment the Goddess, to stand by her side. Researching this has been difficult because I haven’t found one site that explains in detail what exactly are the male energies for each. For this new understanding, I would have to base the height of their power on the Summer and Winter Solstices – winter for the dark side, and summer for the light side, having their change begin at the spring and fall solstice. This is going to be very difficult. Unlearning a mindset that I’ve had for decades, but I am up for the challenge!

A Wiccan Journey: New Mabon Ritual – Reflecting on the past year.

Autumn begins in a week, and I can’t be more excited. Not only for the end of the heat and humidity, but because of what the new season brings; cooler weather, heavier clothing (all black, of course), and COMFORT FOOD! Seriously, I’ve been waiting all summer to make comfort food.

I’m creating new rituals to celebrate each changing of the Wheel. Most of it will deal with food (because food, duh), but I want to connect more with my spirituality and focusing on the Solstices to start off will do that. Hell, I’m even booking time off from work to do this.

Traditionally, Mabon is about the second harvest, a time when the daylight and night-time are equal, so it’s a good time to reflect on all that’s happened in the last year and note the balance I’ve brought to my life (or tried), and letting go of things that did not work in the past, like unhealthy habits or self-destructive mindset. I want this to be an all-day thing, but it’ll mostly happen at night as the time for the official start is 9 pm. I made my own incense from a recipe I found online too. It’s pretty simple, and I had most of the ingredients already.

Most of what I note when I look back was my procrastination. I did get a lot done; raised gardens, one book out, basement cleaned, but I think I could have done more had I not been so distracted. Lack of focus is my downfall. If I know I have to do something (whether or not I want to do it), all it takes is one stray thought, and it’s not done. Exercise and other creative endeavours fell by the wayside this year because I just lacked the focus. My Mabon ritual this year will force me to look at that and hopefully banish the habit once and for all.

For this ritual, I will need two candles (orange and brown) and two cauldrons to burn my incense. I will stand facing West, the direction associated with the Autumn Solstice (according to several beliefs), with the candles in front and behind me (West and East). I will put the cauldrons to the North and South. While I burn the incense and candles, I will say a little prayer and then meditate on my accomplishments of the last year. I will meditate on my success and visualize myself forming new habits.

As I will, so it shall be.

The Crystal Realm: When the negativity of the world starts to mess with you . . .

(This is kind of a continuation from my Wiccan post)

Recently, I’ve integrated more crystals to my life. You know how much I LOVE them, and with the ongoing negativity in the world, it was taking a tole on my well-being, so, what’s a better way to counter-act that nastiness, but with banishing, negative-clearing crystals!

I already own a hematite ring, a black tourmaline crystal and an onyx ring (needs to be fixed), but before the holidays I bought a second black tourmaline that I can hand on a chain and a black obsidian bracelet. You can see them HERE.

I know this looks like overkill but considering what each of these stones can do and the fact I work retail, I don’t go to work without them. 


A Wiccan Journey: Onto a new year!

Over the last few months, I’ve worked on reiterating my beliefs back into my life. It’s been difficult. With stress from work and the holiday season, the last thing I wanted to do was come home and do anything ‘witchy’, and once again I’ve lapsed into not doing anything at all. I started doing three card tarot spreads every day for myself, but once the holidays season really ramped up, I forgot, or was too distracted to do one.

I liked doing these little readings every day because it helped me to mindful on the moment and they would show me what I had to focus on for the day. It was a simple three card spread; what the day would bring, what I need to focus on, and what I need to let go of. I used both the normal and reverse interpretations as well. It’ll take me longer to learn them all, but the cards mean things when they’re reversed, and I don’t want to miss out on that knowledge.

The easiest part for me to remember of the Tarot is the four aspects of the Minor Arcana. Spades-mental, Cups-emotions, Wands-physical, and Pentacles-energy, but I tend to get confused when it comes to the Court cards. I know they can represent a real person and represent that part of our personality us as well, only I keep thinking it’s about a person and the few times I’ve had one come up, I sat there and tried to figure out who this person could be.

I have several Tarot decks, but I like the Ryder-Waite deck the most. Maybe because it’s the traditional deck and I want to learn that first before venturing on to the others. I have one deck, it’s very nice, but the interpretation of the cards is much different than a traditional and I need to have a good understand what the original represents before I venture into new representations.

I think this, along with using more crystals, will help me ease back into my practicing my spiritual side again.