The Knitting Project: 2022 Project.

Welp, this is as far as I’ve come with my project. This box has been sitting in the corner for a couple months now.

I’ll get to it, eventually. That is all.

The Knitting Project: Wrist Warmers

knittingMy socks project a bust, and the pattern I had for wrist warmer was another bust, but I’m not giving up! I will have wrist warmers with this yarn!


new yarn

I tried creating my own pattern that had a cable, but after a few testers I scrubbed that idea. The first tester I did, everything was fine until I got to the thumb hole. I casted off twelve stiches and then the whole thing was too small for the fingers.

Meh…I suck at designing my own, so I went online and found a simply pattern. So far, so good.



Maybe when I figure this whole thing out, I can design a pattern of my own. Until then, there are plenty of patterns out there already. The problem is finding one that I like.

Knitting Project: Wrist Warmers.

I worked on this like crazy before the holidays, but a few days around Christmas I put it down and forgot about it until the other day. I have one knitted up, I just needed to sew the seam, and I’m hoping to start on the mate this weekend.











I just LOVE the colour and as you can see it’s more than just a wrist warmer, it’s a whole arm warmer. Not that I mind; arms get cold too. This pattern is perfect for those cooler nights when you want to wear a short sleeve. Very, very simple pattern to follow. I might make another pair but include a cable on the top. Now I think that would look nice.

If you’re interested in making your own pair, here’s the link.


The garden season is over; bring on the knitting season!

Oh yeah. Nothing like sitting next to a roaring fire, knitting up something while a raging snowstorm dumps a pile of white stuff outside. When I think of winter, that’s one of the images that comes to my mind, and this season I have my project all figured out.

Wrist warmers. Yup. Gonna knit me up some wrist warmers. Now, before you think that sounds easy, check out this link.

I ask you; do any of those look easy? Can you hear me swearing yet? Anyway, this is the pattern I choose.

No knitting on three/four needles; no knitting in the round. Just straight needle knitting. Just the way I like it.

I will keep you posted.

Oh, I thought I’d show you this picture of the only plant that’s still alive in my house. It’s a Christmas Cactus. Hasn’t started to bloom yet. I’m hoping I can make it bloom for the holiday season.

With winter coming, what are you planning to do to ward off cabin fever?

A Snowflake Sweater that Wasn’t

I like to knit. It’s relaxing, creative, and people seem to like getting a home-made gift rather than a store-bought one. I think they mean more to people. It shows that you really think their special because of all the time and effort it took to make the gift, but sometimes, things don’t go the way you want.

I was knitting a sweater for my aunt’s grandson. I had the sweater done a good week and a half before Christmas. All that was left was to sew up the seams and do the collar, but Fate had a different idea. The seams were fine, no problem there even though they were raglan seams, but as I was picking up the stitches to knit the collar, something went amiss. Instead of having each piece line up (like those cut-out paper people), it got all hooked together. Not what I wanted. Oh sure, I could have pulled out the stitches and did it over, but some of the stitches were from stitch holders, and I would have lost more than I wanted.

Heh, ask me how many new swear words I created…

I was not happy as this all came down on Friday—two days before Christmas.  There was no way I could get it done in time. I conceded defeat, and went out and bought him a set of CARS p.j’s. Not what I wanted to give him, but he liked them none-the-less. As a matter of fact, I think he liked the p.j.’s better. Ah well. There’s always his birthday.     

~Happy Knitting!~

Zoinks! New Yarn!

Went into Zellers on Monday and it went something like this:

Me: Hey, yarn. Hey! Christmas yarn! OMG! SPARKLY CHRISTMAS YARN!

Husband to Sithboy: Get her purse. She’s got the Visa in there.

Me: *drool**drool**drool*

 Yes, I am a sucker for the seasonal yarn that graciously appears this time of year. You can’t really knit anything big with it, and if you did it would cost you a fortune anyway, but it’s always nice to look at. One day, I will buy some Christmas yarn, and I will knit something. It may be a pillow cover or a decorative dishcloth, but mark my words, I will do it.

As my family dragged me out of the yarn section (that must have looked cute), we passed the .99c yarn bin. The same bin I got the dark blue yarn the week before. So I bought the last two balls of shimmering grey yarn.








All is right with the world.

How Not To Knit a Victorian Lace Neck Warmer

I started a new knitting project on the weekend. It was supposed to be a Victorian lace neck warmer…

…but the yarn I chose was a bugger to work with. It’s a deep blue, and was on sale for .99c. Husband and I had to dig to the bottom of a three foot wire bin to retrieve it, and of course, there were only two balls of this colour in the lot.

With the lighter colours woven into the dark thread, I thought it would be a really pretty yarn to work with, but those other strands kept getting caught on each other and knotting up so I couldn’t get the needle into position to knit the lace pattern. I was not happy. I used the ‘c’ word a few times (Sithboy wasn’t around). Yeah, I swear when I knit, and here it’s supposed to be a relaxing hobby.

I had to put this project on hold, but I do plan on knitting it up. It looks so cool. One thing about all of this, I got the itch to knit again so I’m doing a simple scarf with the blue yarn, and I told my Aunt on the weekend that I would knit a snowflake sweater for her grandson. I still have the pattern around here somewhere…

Oh yeah, and have you seen this pattern for Victorian fingerless gloves?

So. Awesome.

~Happy Knitting!~

New Knitting Project

Started a new project this week. It’s simple enough that I should be done knitting it up in a couple of weeks. Here’s the pattern if you’re interested in making it.

I’m knitting in the round, so it’s just straight knitting, but geez… I had to pull it apart once because the rows got twisted. At least it’s not like last time I worked in the round. I think I pulled the project apart three times. You really have to watch what you’re doing for at least the first ten rows. Anyway, like I said, it looks easy enough. I noticed it said I had to attach a clasp for the neck band. That caught me off guard. Nowhere in the instructions does it say to purchase a clasp. Not to mention the neck band has to be knitted SEPERATELY from the rest of the project. Would be nice if they’d told me this at the beginning.

This is just over one 50 gram ball. I have quite a few so I might make this one really long, or make a pair of detached sleeves. Heck, if I really wanted to be creative I could make a scrunchie too and I could wear it in my hair when I wear this.

Naw, a powder blue scrunchie just isn’t me.

New Knitting Project

I love to knit. I discovered it when I was about seventeen, when my mother was knitting a wrap for my grandmother. I remember the yarn, soft pastels of yellow, blue and pink. I learned on an extra ball she had left over, and I’ve loved it ever since. I’ve knitted a baby blanket for my best friend, skirts, several sweaters for the family, and plenty of scarfs and mittens. I find it relaxing even though it strains my eyesight even more than writing.  My latest project is a scarf, but not one that would really keep me warm, it’s more of an accessory. I’m using eyelash yarn, and it’s a bugger. If you’ve never used it, be warned, it’s a real bugger. I bought the last three balls of a black/red combo and knitting it up on 4cm needles at 20 st.

Eyelash yarn is beautiful, but like I said a real bugger. So many floating pieces getting in the way of the main thread and you can easily lose track of your stitches and either add more or drop them. Maybe that’s why it’s not very popular any more. When it first came out I made a scarf, and two balls cost me over $13 with tax. The three I bought the other night cost me less that $12