The Hobby Project: Christmas Decorations.

I can hear your moan from here.

Over the last couple of years, I’ve had some wonderful people help me out and I’ve never really been able to repay them. I did buy a couple of friends really nice Christmas presents, but this year I wanted to do something more personal, so, I’m going to try and make some decorations. I figure if I start now I should have them done in time.

There are a few pine trees on my route to the bus stop, and I’ve been collecting pinecones over the last few weeks to make something with them. The problem is, I didn’t know what, but it had to use these cones. I thought about making some kind of hanging wall ornament, but then I thought of something simple that goes on a tree, and since all Christmas trees are pine, the cone ornaments would add a touch of realism to it.

I like the idea of tree ornaments. I could do four or six per person. I found a DIY page with just what I was looking for, and I can do them for relatively cheap. I think the most expensive this about this project will be the paint. I’m thinking gold, maybe silver too. Maybe some of that fake snow glitter too.

I think I’m going to need a lot of pine cones.  I will keep you updated.

About Darke Conteur
Darke Conteur is a writer at the mercy of her Muse. The author of stories in several genres, she prefers to create within the realms of Science Fiction and Dark Fantasy. A pagan at heart, her personal goal is to find her balance within nature; exploring the dark through her stories and the light through her beliefs. When not writing, she spends her time collecting crystals, knitting, gardening, cooking and listening to very loud music.

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