The Other Realms: Psychic Vampires

Picture this; you’re invited to a party at a friend’s house. There are people at the party you’ve never met before, and that’s cool, you like meeting new people. One person in particular stands out to you.  You begin to feel ill or tired around this one person. You stay away, but the feeling continues to the point you have to leave. By the time you get home you’re exhausted. Falling into bed, you sleep soundly until the next morning.

What the hell happened? From all the symptoms I’d say you came in contact with what is known as a ‘psychic vampire’; someone who unconsciously drains the energy from other people. Some of you may laugh, but if you’ve experienced this type of scenario before then you know understand how deeply it affects you and how debilitating it can be, especially if the person in question is a close friend or relative.

First of all, don’t laugh, they exists. My use of the phrase ‘psychic vampire’ is flamboyant but accurate. For these people ‘feeding’ off others is an unconscious act. For whatever reason (illness, emotional immaturity, trapped in a negative situation to name a few) they are unable to sustain their own levels of personal energy and the only way they can survive is by draining others. We are creatures of energy and we need more than just food to survive. Like balancing your chakras; if one is off you will feel it physically.

These are two excellent articles on energy drainers. Llewellyn Article.

Understanding How Psychic Vampires Work

There are ways to protect yourself from the effects of these energy drainers. The best solution would be to stay away from them, but that’s not always possible. When dealing with people close to you (family or co-workers) try to understand the situation. How are you drawing these people to you? Are they physically ill? In a negative situation? There are techniques at the end of the linked article that will help you.

For myself, I wear a black tourmaline when I go to work or any place I’ll be interacting with people. I also put up a personal shield. Instructions for that can be found HERE.

Have you come across a psychic vampire before? How did you respond?

About Darke Conteur
Darke Conteur is a writer at the mercy of her Muse. The author of stories in several genres, she prefers to create within the realms of Science Fiction and Dark Fantasy. A pagan at heart, her personal goal is to find her balance within nature; exploring the dark through her stories and the light through her beliefs. When not writing, she spends her time collecting crystals, knitting, gardening, cooking and listening to very loud music.

3 Responses to The Other Realms: Psychic Vampires

  1. mariazannini says:

    How fascinating that you chose this topic. Many years ago I had a client who made me feel uneasy. She seemed nice enough, polite, and paid promptly, but I couldn’t shake the feeling there was something sinister about her. Surprisingly, she was psychologist, someone you’d expect to be helpful and nurturing, but I didn’t get that vibe from her at all.

    After the job was done, she called me several more times for other work, but I refused. As long as I stayed away from her, I felt fine, but if I was near her, I felt headachy and irritable. All I wanted to do was get away from her. It was only later that I came across the term, psychic vampire. It fit her to a tee.

    • I had one close to me for years and it wasn’t until I read an article on this that it finally made sense. It’s one reason why I avoid this person as much as possible.

  2. Pingback: The Crystal Realm – Protection; Back Tourmaline. | Darke Conteur

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