Author Interview with Mary Pax

Science Fiction will always be my first love. The first stories of mine that were published online were science fiction, and whether it be novels, movies or television show, I will chose it over fantasy any day. It’s nice to see more women are jumping into this writing this genre and it is with great pleasure that my guest for today is one of these women, Mary Pax, author of SEMPER AUDACIA, THE BACKWORLD, and the sequel STOPOVER AT THE BACKWORLDS’ EDGE.

1. Let’s get to know you a bit. Where are you from?
My roots are in Western New York, the Buffalo region. I migrated to NYC, then DC, then Portland, Oregon, and now I live in Central Oregon on the dry side of the Cascades. I love it so much, I feel like this area called me home. After growing up on the Great Lakes, I never expected to come to call the desert home.

2. With all the risks and uncertainty around publishing, what was it that drew you to a career in writing?
Writing is who I am. I have to do it. No matter the chaos surrounding us in the industry, I have to keep going.

3. What is your biggest influence for writing your stories?
Television and Oregon are my biggest influences. Oh, and all of the classic literature I’ve read.

4. Have you ever thought about giving up? If you did, what changed your mind?
I’ve written off and on since I was in high school. This time I stuck with it. Quitting isn’t an option. Don’t know what else I would do. Certainly nothing I enjoy as much.

5. Let’s talk a little about your recent project. Can you give us some details?
Stopover at the Backworlds’ Edge is the second book in the Backworlds series. Craze continues as the main character. He and the crew of the Sequi have settled on a dust ball called Pardeep Station. A ship comes in, on passenger enters his bar, and all havoc breaks loose from there. Official release date is July 23rd, but you may find it sitting on an ebook site here or there waiting to be announced.

6. Now that you have a few books under your belt, what’s your take on the whole process? What was the hardest part for you? What was the easiest?
The hardest part is marketing and building my beach. Most likely because I’m not very good at being patient and I’m not very outgoing. The rest of it I love: writing, revising, editing, formatting, cover design. Sometimes I get nervous about whether I’ll come up with great ideas for the next project or not. I have two more in the pipe for the Backworlds series, but fret over what will come after that. I’m sure something will occur to me before the time comes where I have to start fleshing the idea out. I hope.

7. I know you enjoy writing science fiction, but is there another genre you would like to write in? The Hetty Locklear series looks interesting.
I like weird. That’s not necessarily a genre. Maybe someday I’ll try my hand at some historically based literature. Maybe just plain literature. Definitely speculative fiction. The Hetty Locklear series is speculative fiction.

8. How do you handle negative/criticism of your work?
I’m getting better at shrugging it off. If there’s something constructive in there, I listen. My crit partners rip my stuff apart all the time, so I’m used to that. I like that they do, it makes the story better than it would be with only my input.

9. Most writers have manuscripts that will never see the light of day. Do you have a few of those or will they eventually come out?

I wrote a series and the start of another series before I started publishing. They will see the light of day someday … after another heavy revision. But I think it was smarter to move onto something fresh. I no longer felt stuck in a rut or like I was spinning my wheels.

10. What advice would you give to a new author who wants to write science fiction?
Have a passion for it, and know the genre. It’s not a big market, so you really have to love what you’re writing.

For Fun

1. If you could be any breed of dog, what would it be?
Probably a labrador retriever. The always seem to have boundless energy.

2. Is there one food/beverage that you can’t live without?
Licorice. The black stuff. Yum.

3. Bungee jumping: exhilarating hobby or death wish?
A hobby for some, but definitely not for me.

4. What is your favourite movie?
Sense & Sensibility and the new Star Trek are my favorites these days.

5. Question from Sithboy; If you were a Jedi, what colour would your lightsabre be; green, blue, yellow, red, or purple?
Green. I have a laser pointer for giving star tours, and it’s green.

Mary Pax write mostly science fiction and fantasy. It calls to her. She started with more literary stuff [she is quite enamored with Jane Austen, Hesse, Tolstoy and Thomas Hardy], but a dude with a jet pack and blaster kept yelling at me, “Hey you! Over here. Remember your awe for Dune and 2001?” Oh yeah. Vonnegut and Bradbury, too.

She shares her home with her two cats and the husband unit. All love sci-fi. A great night is gathering on the couch to watch an old sci-fi movie. Her one cat seems to have a crush on Spock. The pointed ears maybe? She does confess to a continued obsession with Jane Austen. She’s awesome

Places to find Mary online:




Her latest book, BOOMTOWN CRAZE can be found at the links below.

About Darke Conteur
Darke Conteur is a writer at the mercy of her Muse. The author of stories in several genres, she prefers to create within the realms of Science Fiction and Dark Fantasy. A pagan at heart, her personal goal is to find her balance within nature; exploring the dark through her stories and the light through her beliefs. When not writing, she spends her time collecting crystals, knitting, gardening, cooking and listening to very loud music.

9 Responses to Author Interview with Mary Pax

  1. Mary’s writing is superb. Good interview here. I’m helping host the Book 2 launch on the 23rd. And hey, I’d like to see a shelf in a bookstore labeled WEIRD. Sounds like a cool category to me!

  2. I think it’d be a great shelf, Catherine.

  3. Pingback: Author, Screenwriter, and Professional Writer, Peggy Bechko Visits Spacedock 19 | M. Pax

  4. mauricem1972 says:

    Thanks for hosting this interview Darke! New Star Trek. Great choice MPax.

    • It is a great movie! I planned on boycotting it because I figured there were other characters in the franchise worthy of being on the big screen, but changed my mind when I saw the trailer. 😀

  5. It is a fab movie. Haven’t gotten tired of watching it yet.

  6. Pingback: Authors, authors everywhere!! « Darke Conteur

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